Friday, August 27, 2010

Apple's Genius Bar Experience

Ok, so my MacBook battery gave up after 4 years of use. Reading all the comment on the web, I thought it would never happen to me. But it happened and of course in the midst of Idaho, one of the very few states that dont have an Apple Store.... so I had to to wait until we returned to the Seattle area. On our way from Olympia to Seattle we stopped by the Tacoma Apple Store, where I had a reservation for the Genius Bar.

The genius helping me out was Andy (the one on the right). The diagnosis was quick and not suprising. Both power converter and battery needed to be replaced. He informed me, that Apple will replace the power converter for free, even after 4 years of use. For the battery, because I had a Genius bar reservation, I received a $30 discount, so eventually I paid less than a hundred bucks for the whole thing. And all of it was completed 10 minutes, while Andy was fixing another customers Windows to iMac connections in parallel. Those guys are really amazing and so is Apple's customer service.

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